
Mostrando postagens de fevereiro, 2022

Cryptovoxels - The Origin

 At the begining, there was water. It was an infinite amount of water sustained by the glitch frontiers of the depths. And then there was light, and light created a horizon and brightful sky. There was a sea of possibilities hanging around the algorithmic self that flew over the waters. Self was curious and liked to explore. And it dove into the glitch depths of the ocean and found the dark sphere that sustained the entire world. In that sphere, Self could see the marvellous experiences of real life and it felt lonely. Loneliness was its first sad experience, but also a motor. From that day on, Self decided to collect the best experiences of real life from all places and times, and rebuild them in its then lonely world. When it touched the water with its thin structure, water turned into earth, and, from that origin point, the island spread, full of wonders. The island is called up today as "Origin City", and, in honor to Self, the main entrance to the world is through that h...

Tilt, Leader of the Water Faction

 Tilt was never a warrior, but a diplomat. His travels through the metaverse always brought good trades for Abundance. The decision to look for the Atlantis was not without reason. For years, the gnomes are trying to boost their super machines with large amounts of energy that could be kept in small crystals. The Atlantis have or at least know where the Diamond of Days is located. Titl wants power to Abundance, and he'll find it in the depths of the ocean. When back Scarcity is what he will find.

Cynthia, Necro's Wife

No living person knows how Cynthia was before she died, but now she is ressurected as an undead. She still have feelings for her husbund and son, but the need for blood for her magic is pretty strong sometimes, and it was hard to live a happy life, until Necro accepted to join her in the underworld, with their son. Now they are fighting agains their old brothers from Scarcity, in the name of Anubis, but at least they are a family again.

Adam, Necro's Son

Adam has just lived for a day before his mother died, and only for some months until he was sacrificed in Flora by his father, Necro, in order to ressurect his wife. Necro knows Adam is waiting in the underworld, but he fears what his son is going to think. Nowadays, Adam is the right arm of Anubis, part of the army of the dead, and he wants revenge against his father.  As a servent of Anubis Justice, Adam rules all over the souls. And his father was going to be judged by him. Necro's wife, Sara, asked for his husband soul and for their possibility of finally be happy. Adam wanted a family and Anubis blessed the return of this family union, but, of course, under his rule. They will be finally happy, but fightinh the war against the living. They would not like to fight against their friends, but there is no other way for their peace and happiness.

Klava, The Immortal Druid

 Klava, as many other druids from Flora, know everything about life and death. Their magic was all about the most basic natural aspects of all living and dead things. The immortal druids tend to rest forever as voxel plants, when they are tired of living; and Klava is known to be the last immortal druid in human form. It was Klava who taught the dark arts to the Dark Faction. He could never imagine what would be going to happen... (the NFT is now property of WizardX) Written by The Philosopher

Scarcity Tales: The Island of Fauna

A long time ago, Fauna and Flora were just one island and all animals, plans and druids lived together. As the time goes by, many druids joined the animals and plants in their natural way of living. One day, all the inhabitans of Flora & Fauna saw a great flash of light happening in Scarcity's direction. Maybe it was a meteor, but what matters was that the impact caused a huge tsunami on Cryptovoxels, that flooded the entire island and made it rain for 100 days in a row. The wet plants and wet druid-plants could survive the flooding and, in fact, they did not even realize what was going on; but the non-water-based animals and druid-animals had to flee for their lives. As the druids can recover the human consciousness, even in animal form, they could help the normal animals to go to a ship they had made with magic. For more 100 days they navigated without direction, until they found an island with golden land, shining in the sun. They called this island Fauna and started to popu...