Adam, Necro's Son

Adam has just lived for a day before his mother died, and only for some months until he was sacrificed in Flora by his father, Necro, in order to ressurect his wife. Necro knows Adam is waiting in the underworld, but he fears what his son is going to think. Nowadays, Adam is the right arm of Anubis, part of the army of the dead, and he wants revenge against his father. 

As a servent of Anubis Justice, Adam rules all over the souls. And his father was going to be judged by him. Necro's wife, Sara, asked for his husband soul and for their possibility of finally be happy. Adam wanted a family and Anubis blessed the return of this family union, but, of course, under his rule. They will be finally happy, but fightinh the war against the living. They would not like to fight against their friends, but there is no other way for their peace and happiness.


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