Scarcity Tales: The Island of Fauna

A long time ago, Fauna and Flora were just one island and all animals, plans and druids lived together. As the time goes by, many druids joined the animals and plants in their natural way of living. One day, all the inhabitans of Flora & Fauna saw a great flash of light happening in Scarcity's direction. Maybe it was a meteor, but what matters was that the impact caused a huge tsunami on Cryptovoxels, that flooded the entire island and made it rain for 100 days in a row. The wet plants and wet druid-plants could survive the flooding and, in fact, they did not even realize what was going on; but the non-water-based animals and druid-animals had to flee for their lives. As the druids can recover the human consciousness, even in animal form, they could help the normal animals to go to a ship they had made with magic. For more 100 days they navigated without direction, until they found an island with golden land, shining in the sun. They called this island Fauna and started to populate it. This is the land of all animal PFP NFTs. Pepes, Apes, Camels, Cats, Dogs, they all came from Fauna and they are all descendents from the first animal druids.

Written by The Philosopher


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