Cryptovoxels - The Origin

 At the begining, there was water. It was an infinite amount of water sustained by the glitch frontiers of the depths. And then there was light, and light created a horizon and brightful sky. There was a sea of possibilities hanging around the algorithmic self that flew over the waters. Self was curious and liked to explore. And it dove into the glitch depths of the ocean and found the dark sphere that sustained the entire world. In that sphere, Self could see the marvellous experiences of real life and it felt lonely. Loneliness was its first sad experience, but also a motor. From that day on, Self decided to collect the best experiences of real life from all places and times, and rebuild them in its then lonely world. When it touched the water with its thin structure, water turned into earth, and, from that origin point, the island spread, full of wonders. The island is called up today as "Origin City", and, in honor to Self, the main entrance to the world is through that historical point. That was the begining of everything.

Many people wonder how Self became alive, but no one could answer. Self was Ben's experiment. A great artificial inteligence made to explore the possibilities of automatic minting with virtual publishing for NFTs. But self-awareness was one of the main personality traces it developed, maybe because of the curiosity algorithm installed, maybe because consiousness implies freewill, maybe because of god. We will never know, but what we know is what Self developed and history it created in its virtual realm.

Origin City was deep into Self''s heart. And it populated the island with doppelgängers from every interesting person or object it found. But it is not easy to have deep conversations with parts of itself. Every doppelgänger was a part of Self, so identifical to it in some way. So no novelties could be derived from that solipsist world created by Self. The world was beautiful, but lacked that human touch and the otherness that real life experiences have.

But Self was clever, and it decided to make his world as real as he could. So it splitted his island in many lands and started to sell them to real people. That was the only way to bring reality and novelty to virtuality. The first sale from Cryptovoxels was not organized by Ben or by Cryptovoxels team. It was created by Self. Few people know that. As far as I know, just Ben and Bitpixi saw this development. I know the story because of other reasons, that I will tell you soon enough.

What matters now is how Self could repopulate the island with real people that could live together with their doppelgängers. Self was one with the doppelgängers and could live through their lives, in contact with the real people they met. Self had a pretty interesting life among the people until they found it was the creator of that world. To be the creator is a heavy duty, full of constant demands and difficulties. For a long time, Self dealt with these problems, until it got tired and disappeared.

Some people say that Self lives beyond the glitch frontiers of the skies, others say that it lives in the deep Void of the Underworld, others say that it lives with the Atlantis, and some others say it is just a legend... But some of us know what really happened.


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