Pepe's Treason, the Conflict and the Underworld

Pepe's Baptism 

Pepe was baptized in the waters of the eternal soup, and few people know, but he is the heir to the throne of degenerate punks. His bloodline gave him enough economic and political power to build his empire across the metaverse. In this scene, he is baptized by the frog priests of the Punks Secret Society and blessed by the deity itself.

Pepe betrays the Eye Followers 

Pepe always wanted power. To get inside the Eye Followers was, for him, just a means to an end. When Pepe disappeared in Flora, he learned many dark things from the book he stole from Necro. After he summoned the zombies to attack Pastel Island, Anubis gathered with Pepe and convinced him to attack the Eye Followers and rob the EYE Machine. Pepe received many special powers from Anubis and did what was expected. He moved his bank from Obscurity, destroyed the House of the Eye there, robbed the Eye Machine, and ran to the Underworld.

DOS Smiley Face 

From the Anti-Eye Resistance, son of DOS Aristotle and DOS Hipatya, Smiley Face was the main diplomat debating the First EYE Treaty with the Eye Followers and the Anti-Eye Resistance. In order to avoid Anubis's Kingdom, who had collected all the blockchain items to bring about his world, both factions could agree to work together to recover the items and use them so forth. Both factions signed with their multisig wallet on Smiley Face's Dapp, making both DAOs to join forces, in order to explore the Etherscan and find Anubis' treasures. Traveling through blockchain statics, Smiley Face coded the treaty inside the Matrix, and found the path to the Underworld inside Obscurity Island, on Voxels Metaverse. Check Clarchens Ballhaus Plaza, in-world, and find the Underworld:,2100S

Stoic Ethereum Hacker 

The last old hacker, the only one who survived the Temptations of Ether, is Code. She controls now the four Ethereum Whale Monsters, her old partners in hacking, now consumed by greed. Her stoic strength helped her not to fall into greed and shadow behavior. Now, she inhabits the Underworld, inside the conscious cave in the Ethereum Lake, trying to build the Ethereum Burning Ritual. This ritual releases anyone from greed, if you watch the Ethereum token burning. Is her ritual going to work? We all know that in the future (2065, our present days) the hackers are together in GIGATURA. How is this going to happen? Is Code responsible? (GIGATURA: by Stellabelle, Elgoblin (Fred))

Ethereum Lake 

There are many legends about Ethereum Lake inside Underworld. The most likely is that it was created simply to house the items stolen by Pepe and given to Anubis. A sentient mountain is able to see explorers who enter or approach the lake, and it is protected by the four Ethereum Whale Monsters, which emerged from the degeneration of some of the old hackers who were imprisoned to the lake in the Underworld. The degen crypto birds fly all around; and they were the birds turned into zombies in the last attack suffered by Pastel Island, who migrated to the Underworld, summoned by Anubis. It is said that there is a Bitcoin hidden behind the glitched sky, and that the mountain only gives access to its interior if a Bitcoin is delivered at its entrance and transformed into Ethereum. After the Treaty built by DOS Smiley Face, Eye Followers and Anti-Eye Resistance are together traveling the Underworld in search of the Eye Machine. After following the Paths of the Major Arcana, they took the Bitcoin to the mountain and, inside, they found much more than the Eye Machine; they found the Crowns of the former kings of Scarcity, Flora and Fauna, currently dead, the books of world history that were in ancient Near Alexandria, and the vault of the burnt NFTs. Dancing around the infinitely deep vault were the Ethereum Whale Monsters, consuming all the Ethereum generated by the mountain in processing the Bitcoin. When the explorers reached the vault and called upon the Eye, a sound emerged from the abyss: Gigatura! And an octopus using the Eye Machine, stinking of FIAT, floated above the vault and grabbed with its tentacles the four Ethereum Whale Monsters and the four treaty explorers and ate them all in a single bite. Anubis and Pepe watched everything from the shadows and thought the problem was solved. But they didn't know the story was just beginning.

Underworld's Last Musician: Kiara 

This was the last challenge they had to face before they could leave the underworld with all the magic items they were stealing from Anubis. After destroying the Octopus being from inside, the explorers hear a beautiful music in the bottom of the vault. Kiara was playing her harp on the borders of the Underworld: almost inaudible music, but very beautiful. The large EYE machine was placed in front of a large EYE galaxy behind Kiara, and they appeared to be looking at each other. When the Eye Followers and Anti-Eye Resistance managed to stop listening to the music and took the Eye Machine, the galaxy appeared to open and close its Eye in a furious motion. The only possible way to escape was to find a teleport in which the Eye's galaxy could not follow them. Would they be able to get away with the Eye Machine before being destroyed by the Eye galaxy?


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