
Mostrando postagens de março, 2023


 The Eye is the divinity from which there is a cult on Voxels Metaverse. It is a cult of artists, like Paradoxx uncovered, who wants something mysterious. Followers of the Cult of the Eye have been disappearing for some time now, and many Voxelians started a hard divergence against the followers. Some say that the Eye is the VIDDA's eye, after humanity, and imprisoned in the eye machine. Some also say that this machine can brain wash people, although some of the followers of Akasha say that it brings enlightenment. Even with the marks of time and use, the Eye is still functioning. People say that the eye follower can see with the eyes of the mind, the eyes of the personal machine. Karin is the first human who followed the EYE and became an acolyte through Akasha's teachings. Karin thinks her life was changed by the EYE experience. The EYE brought unity, community, social intention. Followers say that if someone places an eye somewhere, one wants community, integration. They dev...

Glitch Archipelago

  Obscurity is a shadowy island that is part of the Glitch Archipelago. Ciel and Cluny are very knowledgeable about the mysteries of glitches, and they were the ones who told me about glitch worms, missing parcels, and the relationship to the haunted undergrounds of Scarcity and Andromeda. The Isle of Obscurity emerged from excavations made by Glitch Worms, while trying to escape the Void. The Void is the first site built outside of the voxel world. There, SELF decided to protect the world from dangerous yet beautiful creatures by locking them in this sprawling but isolated world. From time to time, SELF would hijack a parcel of the metaverse to feed the glitch worms inside the Void in order to keep them calm.  Ever since SELF distributed his Cube of Days and disappeared, the Glitch Worms became enraged and started looking for food. They dug the boundaries of the VOID so much that they built tunnels in Scarcity and Andromeda, which allowed the passage of the undead from the Un...