Necro, Leader of the Dark Faction

 Necro's story is one of the saddest of all Scarcity Tales. He lost his wife in an alchemical accident, doing research, soon after they had a baby. He could not forgive himself for letting her die, and he gathered all the gnomes interested in ressurecting their loved ones to a quest within Flora, in order to find one of the last immortal druids in human form, Klava. The druids know all about life and death, and they for sure could ressurect her loved wife. But he didn't know the size of the sacrifice he would have to make, in order to create such magic: his dearest living love, his son. His son was sacrificed in Flora's Altar of Sacrifice. Cloto, his wife, came back to life, but she was never the same again. For centuries, they sudy the arts of death, with their followers, until they return to Abundance, then Scarcity. When they got there, all of their lands had been mined by their fellows from the fire and earth factions. They were furious, and decided to call upon the dead to kill their previews friends. Necro, Cloto created then the Dark Faction, and began the war. This mess in the underworld waken up Anubis, that is walking through the Glitch Galleries, gathering undeads to take the world, more specifically the gnomes island. This was the begining of the war of 1000 years.

Written by The Philosopher


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